On Anger and How to Avoid It
“The best revenge is not to be like the person that hurt you.”
[The citation is from the book Meditations]
We've all been there. Someone has done us harm at least a dozen times in our lives. Many take the route of anger and revenge, trying to one up the person that hurt them. And the real harm is on us. We become the person that does harm to others. You become no different.
Many forget that there are more options to take and more responses to give than anger. Notice how rage and violence are never the problem solvers but the exact opposite. They make the problem worse. That's why anger that you have towards a person that does harm should be made into sorrow. Feel sorry for the way that person thinks about you and acts towards you. Once you pity them, you can't be angry at them. If that person is telling a lie then there is no reason for rage and fury. That person is wrong, confused or delusional. If i'ts a lie, why bother.
“It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinion than our own.”
[The citation is from the book Meditations]
Just like you. I felt anger many times in my life and none of it was worth it. None of it made a difference nor did it change my life or that persons beliefs. Your whole life is still the same. The only difference is that you were made into a more impulsive person. A more angry person. Your peace was disturbed. Your mind changed. And it wasn't worth the anger.
Aurelius was right saying we care more about what other people think than what we think. It's the same when it comes to our thoughts about ourselves. Other people don't know you any better than you know yourself. So why consider their opinion of you with any value. Why waste a thought on them. Why let it make you anxious. Why let it crush your dreams. Your hopes. Your spirit.
There are a few questions I want you to ask your self and really contemplate on them. It will help you learn more about yourself and set your path forward and towards the things you want to achieve in your life and maybe you will stop procrastinating
Number one. What would my dream life look like?
Number two. What would my nightmare life look like?
Number three. What will my life look like if I keep doing this for 10 years, will I be happy?
Number four. What are the steps I need to take to achieve my goals?
Number five. What if my plans don't come true?
Focus on your goals and your life. Not on other peoples opinions and thoughts. That is how you avoid revenge.
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